Could not put it down
I was finally able to pick up a copy of the Zayene series. I opened the Prisoners and I just could not put it down. What a great read. I cannot wait to use this stuff. I hope to have a few good...
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I wholeheartedly agree. This is an excellent series, and one that I always wanted to play but didn't find the opportunity yet. Soon, hopefully...
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Cool. Actually, out off all of my design work (excepting my Original ms for City of Brass, which was really a setting with sporadic adventuring tidbits scattered here or there) MoZ is still my...
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Actually, L, yes. It's been on my mind. Clean up the mistakes, expand Enots' abode as an add on, and add in extra material like alternate gallery pictures and a prelude map to The Iron Tower, or...
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Hey Rob, I had a question percolate to the surface as I continued through your work. I know you`re busy, so no problem if you don`t have time to respond. I`ve had the chance to peruse a fair amount...
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It's more of the latter, as you noted, with BC and Stalk being open-ended examples requiring a lot more (but not in all cases with BC,obviously) input. So, the subject matter is also a limitation. The...
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Endymion: I'm interested in your final take on reading all of the adventures in the series, as I believe, to date, no one has properly reviewed same.
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Endymion: I'm interested in your final take on reading all of the adventures in the series, as I believe, to date, no one has properly reviewed same. I'll definitely give you my thoughts. I'm a pretty...
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